Weirdpunk Subscription Club

2025 Weirdpunk SubClub is open to membership from Dec ‘24 - March 1st ‘25.

You get two options this year!
The first (Regular) comes with our 4 scheduled books, 4 zines (1 exclusive, all limited), 1 exclusive shirt, postcard prints of all the book covers, an exclusive bookmark, and an exclusive sticker.
The second (ALL ZINES INCLUDED) comes with all of the above PLUS all other zines Weirdpunk puts out in 2025 (aside from if we do a VoidCon exclusive, which will only be available at the con). I am aiming for 4-5 extra zines throughout the year.

Sign up here.

In 2021, we decided to try something different. Looking at record labels like Gilead Media and Terror Vision who had their own yearly subscription clubs got us thinking. Why weren’t small presses doing the same? So we figured, ‘fuck it.’
And the Weirdpunk Sub Club was born. To our knowledge, we were the first press to do this. Several have followed.
And we’re gonna keep doing it.